Friday, 21 June 2013

My First Blog : Thanks to NITIE

Learning is an important part of the human species. It is a factor which helps us to grow in every field of life. THAT’S WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT FOR ALL OF US TO IMPROVE ON OUR LEARNING METHODS WHERE WE CAN EASILY ABLE TO GRASP THINGS. This is the reason why we are familiar with the concept LEARN WHILE YOU PLAY. As a PARENT or a TEACHER, you probably will find some interesting ways to teach your kids/students so that whatever ideas you want to seed into them gets it easily. This is what our Prof. T Prasad (Sir Mandi) wants us to learn from his first session. Since we are now in a  Management profile, he takes this idea to next level by saying…EARN WHILE YOU LEARN….: 

Soacho.. Becho !  Becho.. Seekho ! !   Seekho .. Soacho ! ! Behatar Padhai ke Liye... Kamai !Earning by Learning . & .Earning for Learning  !Aaj Ki roti...Aaj hee,  kamyaenghae  ! 

Anxiuos to see how the next lectures goes... keep looking into this blog for some useful management fundas..!!! :)  
This is how he starts session for our PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT COURSE.

As the Session begins , we were ask to sit on the floor and even sir sat with us.We all had a very healthy interactions with Mandi sir. He share his rich experience of teaching in NITIE , his good memories in teaching, the most innovative batch he has seen and also about the MANDI- the concept where we , the students goes to street and sell various useful products on the street and get the real life experience of Marketing, Understanding customer behavior, Expectations from them and above all overall management.To Know more on MANDI visit here: campus diaries : also shows us two toys which shows the concept of learn while you play which i have explained in the beginning.What i like about session is the practical approach Mandi sir has been brought up which is utmost require when you are part of the management course and the belief he has that  as we have put almost 20 lacs in our management programme which we can get it while we are learning . I am looking forward to learn a lot from this course which will help me to understand management prnciples in a more practical way rather than a theoritical way.
Quote:A Man can succeed at almost anything for which he has UNLIMITED ENTHUSIASM.
Thanks for reading !!! J

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